Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Melbourne Observation Desk

The last place in the day out is Melbourne Observation Desk.

It is located in Rialto Tower, the highest office tower in Australia or the 16th highest in the world. To see Melbourne from the highest place is wonderful, there are many buildings and the border is the peninsula and the sea.

Just like if we reach the top of Monumen Nasional in Jakarta and can see anything through the different eyes, Melbourne Observation Desk also offer the same thing…

We can see the train, the tall building, the river (if Melbourne has the Yarra River, Jakarta has the Ciliwung River), the people just like the small ant… It’s same, right? Suddenly I feel that everything is same between Melbourne and Jakarta, it just a matter of place, anyway…
And suddenly I realize that my live has to go on, in everywhere I live...

The Melbourne Museum, Botanical Garden, and Observation Desk are take placed in 15 June 2006.

1 comment:

~Bunda ShaHaRee~ said...

iya,klo liat gini ga ada bedanya melb ama jakarta ya jeng ...

bedanya pasti disana lbh teratur segala sesuatunya aja yaaaa ;-)